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1001 Ways Of Keeping Customers Coming: WOW Ideas That Make Customers Happy and Will Increase Your Bottom Line by Donna Greiner, Theodore B. Kinni
 Publication Date: October 20, 1999 Sure-Fire, Can't-Miss Tips, Techniques, and Idea..
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101 Great Ideas To Boost Your Business by Kirti C. Desai
Product Details Most books on personal or business success start with the theory that you nee..
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151 Quick Ideas to Increase Sales
Product Details Sales is the lifeblood of the vast majority of companies. Without the influx ..
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50 Powerful Ways to Win New Customers
Product Details Paul Timm will teach readers how to become a "customer magnet." After reading..
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9 Lies That Are Holding Your Business Back...: ...and the TRUTH That Will Set It Free
Product Details It Takes Money to Make Money. All I Need to Know Is How to Do This. We Need t..
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All Marketers Are Liars: The Power of Telling Authentic Stories in a Low-Trust World by Seth Godin
Publisher: Portfolio Hardcover (May 23, 2005)   ISBN-10: 1591841003   ISBN-13..
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Be A Network Marketing Superstar: The One Book You Need to Make More Money Than You Ever Thought Possible by Mary Christersen
 Publication Date: May 23, 2007 The number of people involved in multilevel/network ..
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Building Strong Brand by David Aaker
As industries turn increasingly hostile, it is clear that strong brand-building skills are needed..
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Building Your Dreams!: A Systematic Approach for Getting RICH in Network Marketing by Enrico Cannella
Publisher: AuthorHouse (August 14, 2006)   ISBN-10: 1420892487   ISBN-13: 978..
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Consultative Selling: The Hanan Formula for High-Margin Sales at High Levels by Mack Hanan
Publisher: AMACOM; 7th edition (December 10, 2003)    ISBN-10: 081447215X &nb..
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Dimensional Selling: Using the Breakthrough Q4 Approach to Close More Sales by Victor R. Buzzotta, R. E. Lefton
A powerful, behavioral-science-based approach to closing sales and building customer loyalty ..
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Discover Your Sales Strengths: How the World's Greatest Salespeople Develop Winning Careers by Benson Smith, Tony Rutigliano
Publisher: Business Plus (March 2003)   ISBN-10: 0446530476   ISBN-13: 978-04..
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Discover Your Sales Strengths: How the World's Greatest Salespeople Develop Winning Careers by Benson Smith, Tony Rutigliano
Publication Date: March 2003 For four decades, The Gallup Organization has been gathering inf..
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Enterprise One to One by Don Peppers, Martha Rogers
Publisher: Crown Business (January 19, 1999)    ISBN-10: 038548755X   IS..
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Fundamentals of Sales Management for the Newly Appointed Sales Manager by Matthew Schwartz
Publisher: AMACOM (February 24, 2006)   ISBN-10: 0814408737   ISBN-13: 978-08..
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Getting into Your Customer's Head: 8 Secret Roles of Selling Your Competitors Don't Know by Kevin Davis, Kenneth Blanchard
Publisher: Times Business; 1 edition (April 9, 1996)   ISBN-10: 0812926285   ..
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Guerrilla Marketing for Consultants: Breakthrough Tactics for Winning Profitable Clients by Jay Confrad Levinson, and Michael W. McLaughlin
Proven guerrilla marketing tactics specifically designed for consultants Jay Conrad Levinson’..
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Harvard Business Review on Marketing by Harvard Business School Press
Publisher: Harvard Business Press; 1 edition (May 7, 2002)   ISBN-10: 1578518040 &..
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High Trust Selling: Make More Money in Less Time With Less Stress by Todd Duncan
ISBN 10: 0785288597    ISBN 13: 9780785288596   Publisher: Nelson Busine..
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How to Become a Marketing Superstar: Unexpected Rules That Ring the Cash Register by Jeffrey J. Fox
Publication Date: May 21, 2003   With more than 600,000 books in print, national..
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How To Create, Win and Dominate Markets by Philip Kotler
Publication Date: April 21, 1999 Philip Kotler's name is synonymous with marketing. His textb..
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How to Market Your Business: A Practical Guide to Advertising, PR, Selling and Direct and Online Marketing (Business Enterprise) by Dave Patten
Why do so many enormous corporations pour so many of their dollars into marketing? Because it wor..
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How to Master the Art of Selling by Tom Hopkins
Publisher: Business Plus; Rev Upd edition (May 20, 2005)    ISBN-10: 0446692743&nb..
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How to Win Customers and Keep Them for Life by Michael LeBoeuf
Publication Date: August 8, 2000 The "classic" business book from the author of Working Smart..
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Integrity Selling for the 21st Century: How to Sell the Way People Want to Buy by Ron Willingham
Publisher: Currency Doubleday; 1 edition (June 17, 2003)  ISBN-10: 0385509561  ISBN-13:..
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Killing the Sale : The 10 Fatal Mistakes Salespeople Make & How To Avoid Them by Todd Duncan
Publisher: Nelson Business (February 19, 2004)    ISBN-10: 0785263225   ..
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Little Red Book of Selling: 12.5 Principles of Sales Greatness by Jeffrey Gitomer
Publication Date: September 25, 2004   Salespeople hate to read. That's why Litt..
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Living The Brand: How to Transform Every Member of Your Organization into a Brand Champion  by Nicholas Ind
"Essential reading...contains some powerful insights." Call Centre Focus "A bible of the 'employe..
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Market Busters: 40 Strategic Moves That Drive Exceptional Business Growth by Rita Gunther McGrath, Ian MacMillan
ISBN: 9781591391234  Copyright Year: 2005   If all firms face similar obstacles to ..
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Marketing Careers by Margery Steinberg
ISBN 10: 0071448985   ISBN 13: 9780071448987   Publisher: McGraw-Hill, 2005 ..
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Marketing Management (12th Edition) by Philip Kotler & Kevin Lane Keller
ISBN-0131457578 When it comes to today's complex marketing environment, professors and profe..
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Monopoly Rules: How to Find, Capture, and Control the Most Lucrative Markets in Any Business by Milind M. Lele
Publisher: Crown Business (August 30, 2005)  ISBN-10: 1400049725  ISBN-13: 978-14000497..
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Neuromarketing: Understanding the Buy Buttons in Your Customer's Brain by Patrick Renvoise, Christophe Morin
Publisher: Thomas Nelson; Rev. and Updated edition (October 2, 2007)  ISBN-10: 078522680X&nb..
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Off The Wall Marketing Ideas: Jumpstart Your Sales without Busting Your Budget by Nancy Michaels, Debbi J. Karpowicz
Publisher: Adams Media (November 1, 1999)   ISBN-10: 1580622054   ISBN-13: 97..
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Out Of The Box Marketing by David Abindon
 Publication Date: September 2005 How to skyrocket your profits--this treasure trove of ..
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Predicting the Markets of Tomorrow: A Contrarian Investment Strategy for the Next Twenty Years by James P. O'Shaughnessy
Publisher: Portfolio Hardcover (March 2, 2006)  ISBN-10: 1591841089  ISBN-13: 978-15918..
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Question Your Way to Sales Success: Gain the Competitive Edge and Make Every Answer Count
Product Details ow can a salesperson gain better results from every sales call? By maste..
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Riches in Niches: How to Make It Big in a Small Market
Product Details Why do some financial advisors wind up making millions on TV giving investmen..
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Secrets of Power Negotiating for Salespeople: Inside Secrets from a Master Negotiator by Roger Dawson
Publisher: Career Pr Inc; 3rd edition (October 2001)  ISBN-10: 156414500X  ISBN-13: 978..
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Secrets of Power Persuasion: Everything You'll Ever Need to Get Anything You'll Ever Want by Roger Dawson
Reading level: Ages 18 and up  Publisher: Prentice Hall Press; 2nd edition (December 1, 2001..
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Selling 101: What Every Successful Sales Professional Needs to Know by Zig Ziglar
Publication Date: April 3, 2003 Here in a short, compact and concise format is the b..
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Smarter Selling: How to grow sales by building trusted relationships by David Lambert and Keith Dugdale
Publication Date: October 9, 2011   This book shows readers the smarter way to s..
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Stephan Schiffman's 101 Successful Sales Strategies: Top Techniques to Boost Sales Today by Stephan Schiffman
ISBN 10: 1593373767     ISBN 13: 9781593373764   Publisher: Adams M..
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The 100 Greatest Sales Tips of All Time by Leslie Pockell, Adrienne Avila
Publisher: Business Plus (February 24, 2006)   ISBN-10: 0446578533   ISBN-13:..
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