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04 Dec / 2013


Write By: text_none_author Published In: Fashion House Hits: 1569 Comment: 2


Looking good is serious business as such looking no further ... our Fashion house satisfies all your trendy clothing needs!!!!

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Write By: text_none_author Published In: Tips Hits: 2199 Comment: 11

Battle of the Mobile Phone Operating Systems…Who’s winning the battle ?


Tired of using your current Mobile phone ?...


Do you want to switch to another Mobile device with a different Operating system ?


Have a good read of this article and make a choice...


Who is winning the battle?




Blackberry OS 






We analyse this for you, so you can decide....

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Write By: text_none_author Published In: Tips Hits: 1809 Comment: 3

Tired of Generators?


Forget the Generator



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Write By: text_none_author Published In: Tips Hits: 2063 Comment: 4

So the question becomes, when these little gadgets misbehave, what do we do? Search out the nearest trashcan? Or try and save ourselves the hassle of trying to lie our way into warranty protection, or the expense of just buying a new phone.


A friend of mine has repaired his phone several times...he even rode is bike over the thing, but somehow brought it back to life

Confused if to repair or replace your phone , have a good read of these content and decide for yourself.

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Write By: text_none_author Published In: Tips Hits: 5833 Comment: 0

Tips: 10 Reasons to Install an Antivirus on Your Phone or Android Tablet


All in all, my personal opinion is that it doesn't hurt to use a free ANTIVIRUS for your phone. I wouldn't pay for one, because I'm low risk and don't store anything critical on my device. If you are a high risk user, e.g. due to browsing habits or due to the type of data you store on your phone, then you may want to consider a proper Antivirus package. 

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Write By: text_none_author Published In: Inverters and Batteries Hits: 13139 Comment: 360
Product Code: 3KVA Luminous Inverter
Availability: In Stock
Price: ₦106,000.00

Luminous inverters are trusted to deliver impressive power backup performance, round the clock. When you need a reliable 3kva inverter or any other inverter capacity in Nigeria, there are a few brands you can trust to deliver and Luminous is certainly one of them. Based on advanced inverter technology, Luminous is efficient, durable and relatively trouble-free.

The 3KVA Luminous inverter with meet most home and office power needs, excluding the heavy capacity equipment like air conditioners. Home appliances like Plasma/other TV, fans, lighting, fridge, computers, decoder and other home equipment can be powered by the 3kva Luminous inverter. If not sure that it's the 3kva inverter you need, our engineer will guide you to determine the right capacity for your load.

The 3KVA Luminous inverter offers advanced technology to ensure reliable performance and durability. Here are its features:
Luminous 3KVA inverter delivers fast Change-over time - your equipment will remain on.

  • It's built with surface-mounted technology for reliable and compact design
  • Enjoy faster Charging to get your inverter changed in quick time
  • Offers battery protection for longer battery life
  • Intelligent thermal management
  • Circuit breaker to protect your applinces on high loads
  • Advanced Energy Flow Management for lowest electricity consumption.
  • Reduced Component-Stress for more reliability & longer service life.
  • Harmonics Compensated Wave shape for higher appliance life.

When you want a reliable 3KVA sine wave inverter that can be trusted to perform satisfactorily, Luminous is one of the few brands to give serious consideration.

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