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Battle of the Mobile Phone Operating Systems…Who’s winning the battle ?


Tired of using your current Mobile phone ?...


Do you want to switch to another Mobile device with a different Operating system ?


Have a good read of this article and make a choice...


Who is winning the battle?




Blackberry OS 






We analyse this for you, so you can decide....

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Write By: text_none_author Published In: Tips Hits: 2138 Comment: 4

So the question becomes, when these little gadgets misbehave, what do we do? Search out the nearest trashcan? Or try and save ourselves the hassle of trying to lie our way into warranty protection, or the expense of just buying a new phone.


A friend of mine has repaired his phone several times...he even rode is bike over the thing, but somehow brought it back to life

Confused if to repair or replace your phone , have a good read of these content and decide for yourself.

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Write By: text_none_author Published In: Tips Hits: 5929 Comment: 0

Tips: 10 Reasons to Install an Antivirus on Your Phone or Android Tablet


All in all, my personal opinion is that it doesn't hurt to use a free ANTIVIRUS for your phone. I wouldn't pay for one, because I'm low risk and don't store anything critical on my device. If you are a high risk user, e.g. due to browsing habits or due to the type of data you store on your phone, then you may want to consider a proper Antivirus package. 

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Write By: text_none_author Published In: Tips Hits: 1875 Comment: 3

Tired of Generators?


Forget the Generator



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