Environmental Management And Conservation by R K Khitoliya
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ISBN: 9788131303764, 978-8131303764 Publishing Date: 2008 Publisher: APH Publishing Corporation
From the time immemorial our great Indian philosophers seers and saints have streassed on the necessity for protecting and wisely using our natural resources. But the strides of modern sciene and technology have taken towards achieving power prosperity and comforts have done incredible harm to environmental the damage that has been done already to ecosystem and biological diversity is difficult to repair. An attempt has been made through this book to cover all those topics in a consolidated form which will provide effective understanding of environmental issues currenlty being faced by a common Indian.
About Author :
Prof. (Dr.) R.K. Khitoliya graduated in Civil Engineering from Banaras Hindu University. Subsequently Dr. Khitoliya obtained M.Tech (Civil Engg.) and Ph.D. (Civil Engg.) both from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi and LL.B. and LL.M. from University of Delhi Kurukshetra University respectively. At present Dr. Khitoliya is working as Professor of Civil Engineering and Head Post Graduate Environmental Engineering Department of Punjab Engineering College Chandigarh and teaching upto post graduate level. Contents : Vol.I Preface Environmental Ethics Desalination of Brackish Water Rural Waste Water Treatment Re-cycling of Wast enad Vermiculture Technique Environmental Auditing Enregy Conservation through Energy Audit Importance and Applications of Bio-Diesel Public Participation and Watershed Management Min-Hydel Projects and Environmental Conservation Tourism and Environment Ozone and Its importance Environmental Impact Assessment Vol.II Need of Solid Waste Management Environmental Legislation Public Partnership and Right to Information Importance of Biogas Plants Annexure Index